Vacation pay not appearing on Paycard

Employee has been assigned a percentage vacation pay but it is not showing up on their paycard. What is wrong?



In this situation, one of two things has been setup incorrectly. Either the employee’s paycard is setup incorrectly or the payroll category has not been marked as active in the Select Pay Period section.



To verify the paycard setup:

  1. Go to Setup > Employees.
  2. Highlight the employee you wish to change and click on Edit.
  3. Once in the Edit screen, go to the Pay Card tab.
  4. On the upper right hand side, you will see the Vacation Pay settings. Ensure that the Accrue Vacation Pay flag has been selected, EVEN IF the employee has been set to pay as Earned. If this flag is not selected, the category will not be included on the employee paycard.

To verify that the category has been set as Active: 

  1. Go to Payroll > Select Pay Period.
  2. Select the proper Payroll group. You will see a list of Categories.
  3. Make sure that there is a check mark in the box beside the Vacation category.


Once these criteria have been met, Vacation will show up on the necessary paycards.


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