Standard Job Cost Import Layout details

The Standard Job Cost import layout has three line options available. They consist of “J” for Job Centers, “C” for Cost Centers, and “W” for Work Records. An import file can contain any combination of these record types.


Starting a J line allows the import of ALL AVAILABLE JOB RECORDS, it has 3 columns

  1. The Letter J to represent the line is a Job Center.
  2. The Job or Project CODE which cannot exceed 15 characters.
  3. The Job or Project Description which cannot exceed 30 characters.

Starting a C line allows the import of available Cost centers (also known as Tasks or Positions), it has 13 columns

  1. The letter C to represent the line is a Cost Center.
  2. The Cost Center CODE which cannot exceed 15 characters.
  3. The Burden % factor/rate against the wages (used for reporting only, can be left blank).
  4. The GL Account to report Burden costs to (can be left blank).
  5. The Department to report Burden costs to (can be left blank).
  6. The Overhead % factor/rate/cost against the wages (used for reporting only, can be left blank).
  7. The GL Account to report Overhead costs (can be left blank).
  8. The Department to report Burden costs to (can be left blank).
  9. The Overriding GL Account to report the wages of this transaction to (can be left blank).
  10. The Department this Cost center is affiliated with (can be left blank)
  11. The Cost center name or description.
  12. The Rate of pay employees receive when working in this cost center/task/position.
  13. The pay grid to use if applicable (can be left blank).


Starting a W line allows the entry of the actual work/labour details and transactions.  This is the minimum line type required to import transactions that result in payments to employees. There are 17 columns

  1. The letter W to represent the line is a Work or Labour Record.
  2. The Employee Number this record belongs too.
  3. The payroll category # to pay the employee (default codes are 102-regular hours, 103-OT, 104-DT).
  4. The Number of Hours (or units) worked against the selected category.
  5. The rate of pay the employee should receive (optional – rates can be kept in Clarity and not imported in which case you would report this simply as zero 0.00).
  6. Date of work (MM/DD/YYYY format - records CAN be summarized if desired instead of reported individually [IE: you can import 40 hrs to one day instead of 5, 8 hr days]).
  7. The worked Cost Center code (optional, default to 001 if not used).
  8. The Department worked in (optional, leave blank if not used).
  9. The overriding GL Account you would like these wages to report too (optional, leave blank if not used).
  10. The worked Job Center code (optional, default to 001 if not used).
  11. The Amount to pay the employee (pay categories that are Unit based will read the unit and rate columns and calculate the Amount and this column would be ignored. Only read for categories of dollar type”
  12. A field to enter a comment or note of the transaction.
  13. The shift that the employee worked on (optional, leave blank if not used).
  14. The level # the employee worked on, used when Pay grids/Prevailing rates are being reported. (optional, leave blank if not used).
  15. The Step # the employee worked on, used when Pay grids/Prevailing rates are being reported. (optional, leave blank if not used).
  16. An additional, free form, text field to use as desired (optional, leave blank if not used).
  17. An Additional, free form, text field to use as desired (optional, leave blank if not used).

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