Setting Up Your Time Import Interface

Harmony comes prepackaged with many of the most popular Time Clock / Time Import interfaces out of the box, but it is also possible to create your own should none of them fit your needs.



  • Are able to export your existing time entries file into a comma delimited (.CSV) file format
  • Can identify which columns in your file is referring to a field in Harmony
  • Have set up your payroll categories 
    Note: Only unit-based payroll categories can be imported if you do not have the Labor sub-module. Ensure that the "Basis" of these payroll categories are set to 'Units'. If you have the Labor sub-module, the "Basis" can be either 'Salary' or 'Units'
  • Have set up your Labor sub-module (if applicable)
  • Have imported or created your employees


  1. Navigate to Payroll > Admin Settings > Interfaces > Import Interfaces.
  2. Click on the "+ New" button to create a new import interface. You will be presented with two options for import interface types, depending on if your license includes the Labor sub-module or not
  3. Enter the required fields. 

    Field Name
    CodeThe unique code or short name of the time import interface.
    NameThe long name of the time import interface.
  4. Identify whether the import file has headers or not. If this checkbox is ticked, the import will ignore the first row of the file.

    1. If you are using the "Timesheet" import interface type, select from the following fields and map them to a corresponding column number in your file. For example, if you enter the column number "1" for 'Employee Number', this means that the employee number in your file is in the first column (e.g. column "A" or "1"). 
      Note: Ensure that you include all required fields in the import. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk (*) in the field name.

      Target Field
      Target Field
      Employee Number*The unique employee ID or number in Harmony.
      Category Code*

      The payroll category code (pay code) that will be imported. For example, "102" for 'Hourly Wages'.

      Note: Only unit-based payroll categories can be imported for the Timesheet import interface type. Ensure that the "Basis" of these payroll categories are set to 'Units'

      Work DateThe date of which the employee worked. Ensure that you also select the correct date format.
      Units The number of units (days, hours, etc.) that will be imported.
      AmountThe employee's per-unit rate (e.g. $15.00 an hour). 
    2. If you are using the "Labor" import interface type, select from the following fields and give the fields a corresponding column number in the import file.
      Note: If you are unsure of what some of these fields refer to regarding your Labor module, please refer to the Setting Up Your Labor Module article.

      Target Field
      Employee Number *The unique employee ID or number in Harmony.
      Category Code *The payroll category code (pay code) that will be imported. For example, "102" for 'Hourly Wages'. 
      Note: Only payroll categories that are used in labor can be imported using the labor import interface type. Navigate to Payroll > Payroll Setup > Labor Setup > Setup > 'Categories' tab to confirm.
      Work DateThe date of which the employee worked. Ensure that you also select the correct date format. 
      Units The number of units (days, hours, etc.) that will be imported.
      AmountThe total amount that employees are paid.
      RateThe employee's per-unit rate (e.g. $15.00 an hour).
      Dimension CodesThe dimensions of which the units are allocated to (e.g. branches, dimensions, jobs, projects), related to your Labor module setup.
      Department CodeThe department code of which the units are allocated to.
      Location CodeThe location code of which the units are allocated to.
      TextThe text fields of which the units are allocated to, related to your Labor module setup.
  5. Click the 'Save' button to save your changes. 
  6. Ensure you have selected the import template to be active with the toggle. Keep in mind, only one interface can be active at a time.
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