Setting Up Your Labor Module

This article walks you through the steps that are required to set your labor module.


The labor module of Harmony can define several dimensions, departments, locations, or text fields to allocate time worked towards a particular aspect. For example, jobs, phases, or projects can all be a different dimension. If you need to allocate your jobs, then the labor module is what you will need to have.

Please note that the labor module of Harmony is an additional charge, on top of the base charge for the payroll module. If you're not sure if you require the labor module, please contact the Paymate team.


  • Have purchased Harmony's Payroll module 
  • Have purchased Harmony's Labor and Equipment Costing sub-module (add-on) 
  • Have access to Harmony 
  • Have created your payroll groups 
  • Have created your payroll categories 

1. Enabling Your Labor Module:

Once you have purchased the module, the sub-module is not automatically enabled. 

  1. In Harmony Payroll, navigate to Payroll > Admin Settings > Payroll Preferences > 'System' tab. 
  2. In the "Modules" field, select 'Labor'
  3. Click the save button to save your changes. You should now see a new menu item under Payroll Setup, called Labor Setup. 

2. Setting Up Your Labor Module:

i) Creating Your Dimensions

  1. In Harmony Payroll, navigate to Payroll > Payroll Setup > Labor Setup > Setup > 'Setup' tab. This is where you can define your dimensions. 
  2. You can track your date either by working date or the pay period end date. You can make your selection in the dropdown field at the top of the page. 
  3. For each dimension, you can use the toggle to enable it and provide a "Caption", or a name, for your dimension.
    1. You can also identify if the dimension is a parent or child of another dimension in the "Parent/Child" field. If the dimension is a child, the preceding dimension must be its parent.
    2. If you will define a "Rate" within the records of this dimension, you can use the checkbox. 
    3. If you want to assign a default dimension record to the employee, tick the "Assign to Employee" checkbox.
    4. If you want to be able to re-use the code for the dimension record, tick the "Re-use Code" checkbox.
    5. If you want to be able to import new dimension records for each dimension during the payroll process, tick the "Add new from labor import" checkbox. 
  4. If you're looking to use the department or location instead, you can use the toggles to activate those instead of the dimensions. 
  5. Navigate to the 'Groups' tab. This is where you can choose which payroll groups will be using the labor module. If there are any groups that are not using the labor module, you can leave them inactive. 
  6. Navigate to the 'Categories' tab. This is where you can define which payroll categories will be used in the labor process. 
  7. Click the save button to save your changes. You dimensions should now be visible in the navigation menu under Payroll > Payroll Setup > Labor Setup. 

ii) Manually Creating / Editing Your Dimension Records

Each dimension can have an unlimited number of records. You do not need to set up your dimension records if you are using the department or location as your labor aspect instead. You can also import your dimension records. If this is what you'd like to do, please review the Importing Your Dimension Records section of this article.

  1. Navigate to Payroll > Payroll Setup > Labor Setup > (your first dimension). 
  2. Click the "+New" button to create a new dimension. 
  3. Enter the required fields. Note that when importing records into your payroll process (i.e. labor records/timesheets), your dimension code in this setup must match the dimension worked in the import file.
  4. If this is a parent dimension, you can also add child dimensions.
  5. Click the save button to save your changes. 
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for all dimension records for this dimension. You can repeat steps 1 through 5 for each dimension. 

iii) Importing Your Dimension Records

Instead of manually creating your dimension records, you can also import them. You must first create the import interface before creating and saving your import file as a comma-delimited (CSV) file. Please read through this entire section fully before following the steps. 

a) Creating Your Import Interface 

  1. Navigate to Payroll > Admin Settings > Interfaces > Import Interfaces. 
  2. Click the "+New" button to create a new interface and select 'Labor'
  3. Enter the required fields. 
  4. Ensure that if your import file has a header, to make sure the appropriate checkbox is ticked. 
  5. Navigate to the 'Extra' tab. 
  6. Click the "+New" button to add new target fields. 
  7. You can build your interface however you'd like. However, ensure that the first column is selected to 'Record Identifier (D)'. This will mean that the file you import must contain "D" in the first column in order to identify that it is a dimension record, not a labor record. 
  8. Click the save button to save your changes. 

For example, if this is my interface: 

Then this should be my file (in comma delimited or CSV format): 

And this is how it is imported: 

b) Importing Your Dimension Records

  1. Navigate to Payroll > Processing > Payroll Wizard. 
  2. Select the payroll group that is enabled to use labor allocation as per step #5 in the Creating Your Dimensions section above. 
  3. Click the save button to save the pay period (whatever selection is made does not matter). 
  4. Click the "Complete" button to complete the step (you do not need to verify this first step, since we are not processing payroll). 
  5. Navigate to the next step, Labor. 
  6. Click the import button. 
  7. Select the interface that you created in the Creating Your Import Interface section above. 
  8. Click "Choose File" to select the file that you created based on the import interface. 
  9. Click "Process" to import your file. 


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