Paystub is not printed or previewed or emailed for some employees. You cannot post/lock the pay period. This error occurs because of the 'Print/Email Paystub' step in the payroll wizard for Harmony. Follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Harmony's payroll wizard (Processing > Payroll Wizard).
- Select your "Payroll Group".
- Skip to the 'Print/Email Paystubs' step of the payroll wizard.
- On the right side are the list of all your employees. You must ensure that each person has at least one blue checkmark next to their name, to ensure that you've previewed their paystub. In the image below, you will see three (3) - but if you're emailing paystubs, you will only see the checkmarks in the first column. If you're printing paystubs, you will see the checkmarks in the second and third columns.
- If you have any employees who are paid by a different payment method, you must select a different "Pay By" and click the refresh button to generate a new list of employees with the selected payment method.
- If you have any employees whose net pay on their paycard are zero or negative, you must select the appropriate "Pay By" value and click the refresh button to generate the appropriate list of employees.
- Once you have confirmed that all employees' paystubs have been previewed, printed, or emailed, you can now post your payroll!
We strongly recommend cycling through all "Pay By" selections and refreshing the list of employees just in case you missed some, and to verify that you do not have a mistaken paystub or incorrect setup.