Pay Codes - How to Create, Fetch, Edit, and Delete

You can review your pay codes by navigating to Harmony's module selection screen > Settings > Setup > Pay Codes.


  • Pay codes are used to map certain elements from Time & Attendance and Human Resources to Payroll. Pay codes can be assigned to projects, tasks, time off types, and benefits.


  • Navigating to Harmony's module selection screen > Settings > Setup > Pay Codes.


Creating a Pay Code

  1. Click "+ New" to create a new pay code. 
  2. Enter the required fields. 

    1. "Code" refers to the actual code to be used. 
    2. "Name" refers to the long name of the pay code. 
    3. "Description" is an optional field to describe the pay code. 
  3. Click the save button to save your changes. 

Fetching Pay Codes

If you are using Harmony Payroll, you can easily fetch all pay codes (payroll categories) from the payroll module.

  1. Click "Fetch" to fetch your pay codes. 
  2. Identify which payroll category classes you'd like to fetch from the payroll module. 
  3. If you have already fetched your pay codes once before, you can tick "Fetch only new pay codes" to only import the pay codes that have not yet been imported. 
  4. Click "Fetch". Your selected pay codes will be fetched from the payroll module automatically. 

Editing an Existing Pay Code

  1. From the list of pay codes, select the pay code you want to edit. 
  2. Edit the fields as required. 
  3. Click the save button to save your changes. 

Deleting a Pay Code

  1. From the list of pay codes, select the pay code you want to delete. 
  2. Click the delete button to delete the pay code. 
  3. Harmony will prompt you to confirm the deletion. Click "DELETE" to delete the pay code. The pay code is now deleted from the system. 

Note: If you accidentally deleted a pay code, you can create it again manually or fetch it again. 

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