Make An Employee Exempt From CPP and/or EI
Your employees (or yourself) may be exempt from CPP and/or EI. This article will outline how you can make an employee exempt from these contributions, and prevent these contributions from coming off their paycard when you process payroll.
- Have already set up your payroll categories.
- Have already set up your employees' master paycards.
- Know which employees are exempt from which taxes.
- In Clarity, navigate to Employees > Master Paycard > 'List' tab.
- Double-click on the employee whom you want to make exempt.
- Navigate to the employees' 'Taxes' tab.
- Click on the payroll category on the left side of the window which you have to make exempt.
- Un-checkmark the "Active" checkbox at the bottom-right corner of the window. Ensure that the "Active" checkbox next to the payroll category name is also unchecked.
- Click the checkmark icon at the top-right corner of the window to save your changes.
- Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each payroll category if the employee is exempt from more than one.
- Repeat steps 2 through 7 for each employee that has exemptions.