Information about Payroll Dashboard

The Payroll Dashboard in Harmony is like your control center for payroll tasks. It's designed to make payroll management easy. Here's a simple breakdown:

Payroll Dashboard

Here are the components of the dashboard and what each one means: 

Total Employees: This shows how many people work at your company, including those who are currently working, those who aren't, and those who have left. 

Active Employees: This shows the number of people currently working. 

Inactive Employees: This tells you how many employees are not currently working. 

Terminated Employees: This number tells you how many employees have left. 

Active Employees in Payroll: This is about how many of those active employees are connected to payroll. 

Inactive Employees in Payroll: Here, you see how many of those inactive employees are related to payroll. 

Your Current Pay Period:  A preview of your next payday. You can click "Run Payroll" to start preparing for it. 

Your Previous Pay Period: Here, you can look at info from your last payday. If you need to print or email paystubs, click the button. 

Year-to-date: This gives you a quick look at payroll groups, showing things like how many employees are in a group, how many paydays you've had, and the total amount paid to employees. 

Upcoming Holidays: It's a list of holidays that are coming up, so you can plan for them. 

These elements help you keep an eye on your workforce, manage your pay periods, and stay aware of holidays. It's all about making payroll tasks straightforward and easy to handle. 

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