Import Rate using Job Cost With Date


Create the import interface

  1. Go to Configuration > Interfaces > Job cost import interfaces.
  2. Click on the “+” button.
  3. Click on Add to include columns and enter the source columns with the add button.

Create the import file with the following columns

The file can be a .txt file or a .csv file.
Sample of the import file:


Column Description:

  1. Record identifier "W"
  2. Employee ID
  3. Department
  4. Work Date
  5. Payroll Category Code
  6. Quantity of hours
  7. Rate
  8. Amount for salary

If importing for the hourly pay category then the amount can be zero or blank.
If importing for salary then hours and rate can be zero or blank.

Ensuring pay category is used for the job cost

  1. Go to Setup > Payroll settings > payroll categories.
  2. Select the pay category and review the Flag section. If not selected, the import will not show the pay categories.

Batching payroll

  1. Go to Payroll > Process job cost entries > Batch job cost entries.
  2. Import job cost from file and select the Import interface from the drop-down list and click > Next.
  3. Browse for the file to be imported and click Finish.
  4. The import information will be displayed on the information window. Click OK button to proceed.

Reviewing and Modifying the imported data

  1. Go to Payroll > Process job cost entries > Edit job cost entries.
  2. Any correction must be completed prior to creating the employee paycard.

Create the paycards

There are two options for creating paycards.

Option 1:

  1. Go to Payroll > Process payroll > Batch payroll.
  2. Make the selection for the payroll processing steps and click Next.
  3. Click Run Payroll to complete the process.

  4. To see the paycards go to Payroll > Process payroll > Edit paycard > select employee.

Option 2:

  1. Go to Payroll > Process payroll > Batch payroll.
  2. Go to Edit paycard > select employee.
  3. Click the “+”, the paycard will be created and the values imported from file will be visible in the paycard.

  4. Now you can follow the normal steps to Process the payroll

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