Import Job cost with a .TXT file

How to import job cost with a text (.TXT) file.



You must define cost center:

  1. Go to Setup > Cost Centres
  2. Add / Edit the Cost Centers

Example Import .txt file (Header record not required):

Here is a layout for import file:


The column in the file are listed below:

WLine starts with W
sEmpNoEmployee Number
sPayCategoryPay Category
sHoursNumber of hours
sDateStart date
sCostCentreCost Center number
sCCAccountCost Center account

Example of .txt file:





How to Import the job cost from file:

To import job cost (.txt file)

  1. Go to Payroll > Process Payroll > Job Costing > Work Details > Import.

  2. After successful import you must review the job cost: Payroll > Process Payroll then Job Costing > Work Details > Edit

How to create Paycards:

After creating the Job Centers user have 2 options to create paycards:

  • Option 1: Batch the paycards – all employees at once
  • Option 2: Add the paycard – one employee at the time


Option 1: Batch paycards using the job cost:


  1. Payroll > Process payroll.
  2. Batch > Batch Create Timesheets > place a checkmark in the “Only create timesheets for employee with Job Costing or Import entries.
  3. Click Batch button.

     4. After batch the user can review paycards (payroll -> process payroll)

Option 2: Create Employee Paycard after job cost import:

  1. Go to Payroll > Process Payroll.
  2. Double click the employee in the “Paymate Payroll Processing” window.
  3. Click “+” to create the paycard.


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