Harmony T&A - Employees

You can override your company preferences on an employee level per employee. To review your employees’ Time & Attendance setup, navigate to Setup > Employees.

  • The preferences you define here are only for the employee that you select. If you want to have default values for every new employee you create in Harmony, review the Company Preferences section.

Updating an Employee’s T&A Preferences

  1. Select the employee whose preferences you want to update. You can use the location and department fields to narrow down who you’re looking for. You can also type in the employee ID or name in the field.
  2. Update the fields as required.

Field Name


“Timesheet Period”

The employee’s assigned timesheet period.

“Timesheet Approval Path”

Read-only field for the approval path that the employee’s timesheet will go through.

“Time Off Approval Path”

Read-only field for the approval path that the employee’s time off request will go through.


The overtime rule that will apply to the employee’s timesheet.

“Hours Per Day”

The average number of hours that this employee works per day.

“Hours Per Week”

The average number of hours that this employee works per week.

“Holiday Calendar”

The assigned holiday calendar that applies to this employee.

“Default Project/Task”

The default project/task that will apply to this employee’s clock entries.

“Assigned Shifts”

The shift that this employee is assigned to. 

“Main Shift”

The shift that this employee usually works for.

“Assigned Time Off”

The time off types that are assigned to this employee.

  1. Click the save button to save your changes.

Adjusting an Employee’s Time Off Balances

You can easily adjust an employee’s current balances in their profile.

You can adjust the balances for assigned time off types on a per employee level. If you want to adjust balances for employees on a time off type level, please review the Adjusting Time Off Balances for Employees section.

  1. Select the employee whose time off balances you want to adjust.
  2. Ensure that all time off types are correctly assigned to the employee under “Assigned Time Off”.
  3. Click the save button to save your changes.
  4. Click “Adjust Balance” to adjust the time off balances for this employee.
  5. For each time off type, you will see the name and the current balance.
  6. Enter the amount that you want to adjust the type by. Enter a positive number to increase the balance or enter a negative number with a “-“ symbol preceding the number to reduce the balance.
  7. Click the refresh button if you want to reset the number back to the original current balance.
  8. Click the save button to save your changes. You can also reopen to check the Audit History of all adjustments to the balances made.
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