Formula Based Payroll Category is Calculating Too Low

A formula-based payroll category has been setup but is paying too low, how can I fix this?



Typically, this is because the percentage has been duplicated, and the formula is calculating at (for example) 10% of 10%.



There are two ways to setup a formula percentage in Acclaim:

  1. You can setup a percentage that will apply for ALL employees
  2. Each employee will have a different percentage (e.g. some employees have 10%, some are at 8%).


Since the system carries the percentage for the category in two places, the percentages will be duplicated if entered in both areas. You must set up these categories as follows:

If the percentage is the SAME for all employees:

  • The percentage should be input at the proper rate in the Payroll Category setup, and then input as 100% in the employee’s setup.
  • This will calculate the employee as 100% of the 10% being calculated by the formula.

If the percentage is DIFFERENT for all employees:

The percentage should be input at 100% in the Payroll Category setup, and then input as the proper percentage in the employee’s setup (i.e. 10%). This then will calculate the employee as 10% of the 100% being calculated by the formula.


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