Employee Missing under "Print/Email Paystub"

I cannot print or email an employee's paystub as it does not show up under the "Print/Email Paystub" step.


  • Follow the instructions if you cannot find your employee under the employee list of the "Print/Email" step.


  • Complete the first three steps (Select pay period, Timesheets, Process payroll) of the payroll wizard before going to "Print/Email Paystub".


The following are the reasons why your employee is not on the list:

  • The employee's payroll status is inactive (check their profile under Payroll Employees > Employee List).


  • The "Pay by" is different on the employee's profile under Payroll Employees > Employee List.
  • So in the "Pay by" dropdown, select the payment method that you selected in the payroll employee profile's "payment method" section.
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