
This window will allow you to email forms such as the Pay stub and T4's to your employees en masse. You will have had to setup Edelivery settings in the Employees miscellaneous tab in order to use Edelivery.

Note: Ensure you have to have either your Outlook or e-mail server (SMTP) setup for eDelivery. 



Click the Send Emails button when you are ready to send or you have previously setup the eDelivery before.

Delivery Type:

  • Select how you would like to send out the e-mails, either through your Microsoft Outlook or directly to your email server.
  • Select the PDF files you would like to email out.

E-mail Settings:

  • Depending on your delivery preference, this will have different options. Fill out the required information.
  • Enter the E-mail subject and body. 
  • You may save these settings for future use by clicking on the Save settings button.
  • You may test the e-mail setup by clicking on the Send a test email button.

Select Employees:

  • Select the employee(s) you would like to deliver to.
  • Press the Select all or Unselect all to select and unselect all employees respectively.
  • You can have the option to Load Sent Items by checking the box. (if you would like to send again).
  • You can delete options here.


  • This will show the status of your e-mails here.

Delivery Report:

  • This will give an audit report of your eDelivery and display the status of your employees.
  • You can print the report by clicking on the Print Delivery Report button. 
  • You can preview the report by clicking on the Print Delivery Report button. 

Related Articles:

Acclaim - How to setup E-Delivery


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