Date out of Range Error

When you are using Clarity, you may encounter an error that reads: "Date out of range". This error means that a date being used somewhere in your database is invalid (e.g. 01/22/1842) and because Clarity tries to validate it, it will find that the date is out of range.


To resolve this issue, you will need to review all of the dates in your system, in order to find the invalid date. Some of the most common places for this to occur are:

  • Date of births for your employees.
  • Hire/start and termination dates for your employees.
  • Pay period start, end, and pay dates.


To verify your employees' date of births or hire/start/termination dates:

  1. In Clarity, navigate to Employees > General Information > 'List' tab. 
  2. Double-click the first employee in the list. You will automatically be redirected to the 'Basic' tab. 
  3. Verify the "Date of Birth" field on the left side of the window. Make changes to this field if required. 
  4. Navigate to the 'Payroll' tab. 
  5. Verify the "First Hire Date""Last Hire Date""Seniority Date", and/or the "Termination Date". Make changes to these fields if required. 
  6. If you made any changes, click the checkmark button at the top-right corner of the window to save your changes.
  7. Click the ">" button to go to the next employee on the top-right corner of the window. 
  8. Repeat steps 3 through 7 for each employee. 

Alternatively, you can also run the Employee Basic Report to verify. 

  1. In Clarity, navigate to Reports > Employee Lists > Basic.
  2. Ensure that no checkboxes are checked in the Groups to Include section. 
  3. Ensure that "All Employees" are selected in the Employees to Include section.
  4. Click "Preview" to print-preview the report, or click "Print" to print out the report. 
  5. Verify each employee's date of birth, hire/start date, last hire date, and/or termination date. If an employee requires a change, do so by following the instructions above. 

Tip: The area where you are working is usually a good indicator as to where the invalid date may exist. For example, if the error pops up while you are creating a timesheet for an employee, going to the employee's profile in Employees > General Information is a good place to start.

To verify your pay period start, end, and pay dates:

  1. In Clarity, navigate to Setup > Payroll Settings > Payroll Groups > 'List' tab. 
  2. Double-click the first payroll group in the list. You will automatically be redirected to the 'Detail' tab. 
  3. Verify the pay period start, end, and pay/cheque dates at the bottom of the window. Make changes if required. 
  4. If you made any changes, click the checkmark icon at the top-right corner of the window to save your changes. 
  5. Click the ">" button to go to the next payroll group at the top-right corner of the window. 
  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each payroll group. 

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