Creating a Backup while Processing a Payroll

This backup will save all the setup information, all the employee information and all the Paycard information.


  • You can efficiently backup your data without making any mistakes by using the following approach:


  • Log in to Harmony and navigate to Processing > Payroll Wizard > "Back Up."


  1. Enter the "Backup File Name". We recommend including as many details as you can, such as the date, reason, and person who is making the backup {YYYY-MM-DD-[note].}
  2. Put a check mark on "Compress Backup" checkbox (If you want to save space).
    • (Backup files can take up a lot of space. Delete if any old backup files are no longer needed.)
  3. Now click on the "Backup" button.
  4. Click "Complete" at the top-right of the wizard to confirm that you've completed this step.
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