Bambora (Beanstream) Configuration

How to setup Acclaim to seamlessly connect to Bambora (previously Beanstream) for easy direct deposit.


Option 1: Create & Submit Bank File to Bambora Seamlessly:

  1. Run Paymate Acclaim. 
  2. Navigate to Payroll > Process Payroll. 
  3. Navigate to Banking > Create Bank File. 
  4. From the 'Setup' tab, select "X Beanstream Seamless". 
  5. Click "Save" to save your changes. 
  6. An additional tab, 'X Beanstream Seamless' will appear. Navigate to this tab. 
  7. Enter your Bambora/Beanstream company name in "LoginCompany".  
  8. In Login Options, select "LoginUser/LoginPass". This will enable you to enter the username and password for enhanced security. You do not need to enter the code. 
  9. Enter your Bambora/Beanstream credentials. 
    1. "LoginUser" refers to the username you use to log into Bambora. 
    2. "LoginPass" refers to the password you use to log into Bambora. 
  10. Select your bank file that you created in "Bank File Name"
  11. (optional) Complete the Proxy information if your network requires a proxy server to connect to the internet. 
  12. Identify for which payroll group(s) you want to create the bank file for. 
    1. 'Selected Pay Group Only' refers to the payroll group that you are currently running payroll for. 
    2. 'All Pay Groups' refer to all payroll groups (if any) that you have already processed payroll for but not yet posted. 
  13. Select the correct "Process Date"
  14. Click "Save" to save your changes.
  15. Click "Create" to create and submit your file to Bambora. If successful, you will see a message that indicates that your file was submitted successfully and a batch number will be shown. 


Option 2: Create & Submit Bank File to Bambora Manually:

  1. Run Paymate Acclaim. 
  2. Navigate to Payroll > Process Payroll. 
  3. Navigate to Banking > Create Bank File. 
  4. From the 'Setup' tab, select "X Beanstream". 
  5. Click "Save" to save your changes. 
  6. An additional tab, 'X Beanstream' will appear. Navigate to this tab. 
  7. Enter the location and name of your bank file to download. Be sure to note down where you will be saving this file. 
  8. Identify for which payroll group(s) you want to create the bank file for. 
    1. 'Selected Pay Group Only' refers to the payroll group that you are currently running payroll for. 
    2. 'All Pay Groups' refer to all payroll groups (if any) that you have already processed payroll for but not yet posted. 
  9. Click "Save" to save your changes.
  10. Click "Create" to create and download your bank file.
  11. In Bambora, log into your account. 
  12. Navigate to Processing >  Batch Processing. 
  13. Click "Browse" to select the file that you created in step #7 above. 
  14. Select your "Process Date"
  15. Click "Upload" to upload your file. 
  16. Bambora will display all transactions in your file on the screen. To see the detail of your file, click on the particular row in Bambora. 
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