Accpac Job Cost Interface


Job Cost Interface

Clarity has the capability to export your payroll data to your general ledger software. There are presently two different interfaces available in the Paymate software.

Job Cost Software: ACCPAC

Clarity can export data to different versions of ACCPAC software. In order to setup or Clarity to export data to ACCPAC you should follow these steps.

Step 1- Choosing the Interface

The first step to export data from Paymate to your Job Cost software is to choose the right interface. In order to do make the correct selection for the interface do the following:


  1. Go to Setup > Preferences > Interfaces.
  2. Choose the Correct Interface:
    1. ACCPAC DOS - Summary format
    2. ACCPAC DOS - Detail format
    3. ACCPAC version 6.1 - Detail format
    4. ACCPAC version 6.1 - Summary format
  3. Click on checkmark button to save the changes you have done.
  4. And close the window.

Step 2- Setting Up Job Centers & Cost Centers Codes

To define, the job centres in Clarity, go to Setup>Job cost>Job centres . And to define the cost centre code in Clarity, go to Setup>Job cost>Cost centres and enter the same code that you have in ACCPAC.

Step 3- Exporting to Job Cost software

To setup the export file parameters, go to Setup>Job cost>Job cost export interfaces . Go to “Export parameters” tab and specify the date range for the export data. Under Preference specify the date format as specified in ACCPAC. Choose a destination directory where you want to save the export file. Specify the Batch date. Based on your ACCPAC settings, on the Job cost Parameters Tab specify the value for Entry type.

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