Wrong DOB - Date of Birth

Every time we install a new version of Paymate the D.O.B. (Date of Birth) fields on some employee’s are wrong.

In Windows Regional settings, there is a setting called "When a two-digit year is entered, interpret as a year between:" set the values to 1930 and 2029.

Make sure the 'Short date format" says 'MM/dd/yyyy'.

How to check Short Date format:

  1. Close Acclaim.
  2. Check the Short date format: From control panel.
  3. Click Date and Time > click Change date and time...
  4. Click Change calendar settings > if not able to select the format required from the drop down list click > additional settings > go to Date tab > highlight the information in the Short Date cell and start typing: MM/dd/yyyy.
  5. Save.
  6. Start Acclaim and redo the employee paycard.
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