Workers' Compensation (WCB / WSIB), CNESST/CSST

Note: This guide is only for Canadian customers.


You have one (1) or multiple WCBs or WSIBs and want to create a payroll category for each of them. 


  • You've double-checked the maximums for your province/territory by going into Admin Settings > Payroll Preferences > User-Defined Fields tab > WCB Maximum Assessable Earnings.
  • You know what your WCB rate is.


  1. Navigate to Payroll Setup > Payroll Categories. 
  2. Click "+ New"
  3. Select "Tax"
  4. At the top of the setup page, change the 'Federal' dropdown field to 'Provincial' and select your province in the second dropdown field that appears. 
  5. For "Basis"select 'Percentage'
  6. For "Paid by", select 'Employer'
  7. Type in a "Code" that is unique. By default, all tax payroll categories begin with "3", so we recommend following this structure, such as "305". 
  8. Type in "WCB" in "Name"
  9. Identify what the percentage is in the "Percentage" field.
  10. Toggle on "Maximum" and select 'WCB' in the dropdown field. 
  11. On the right side, check off all the payroll categories that contribute to WCB. Your final setup should look something like this: 

NOTE: Remember to assign this payroll category to all applicable employees in their master paycards! 

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