Why can't I send my paystubs/payslips through Microsoft Outlook?


If you are getting errors while attempting to email your paystubs through the Microsoft Outlook direct method, it may be because of your User Account Control (UAC) in your Windows operating system. If you don't have administrator access, try running both Clarity and Microsoft Outlook with the same account privileges. In order for Clarity to work correctly using Windows Vista or Windows 7, you will need higher privileges than a normal user account. Follow these steps to run the applications as an administrator:

Tip: We strongly recommend that you request your IT department/person's assistance when following the steps below.

  1. Find the Microsoft Outlook on-premise application on your computer.
  2. Right-click the icon and run Microsoft Outlook as an administrator. 
  3. Find the Clarity application on your computer. 
  4. Right-click the icon and run Clarity as an administrator. (If you are unsure how to do this, review this article for more information: Clarity - Run as Administrator problem under Windows Vista or Windows 7)
  5. Try to email your paystubs again. 

Technical details for domain administrators: CoCreateObject call from Clarity fails if the privilege levels do not match between the caller application identity and target application identity.


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