Update pay rate or amount with wizard and import file

How to update pay rate or amount with wizard and import file.


To update the employees pay rates using the Employee Pay Rate Wizard by importing a file you must prepare a comma delimited file (CSV) using the following formats.

This can be easily done by formatting it in excel.

Employees pay rate import file should be a comma delimited file with the following layout:

  1. Employee pay rate import layout for (Comma Delimited).
  2. No header is required for the file. Ensure the Employee number and Payroll category number is a text field.

Sample of the file Rate:


Sample of the file Amount:

Employee Number8AlphanumericMandatory Existing employee number 
Payroll Category Number4AlphanumericMandatory Existing category number 
Pay rate / Amount10NumericMandatory Cannot be zero9.999999

Steps to setup:

  1. Go to > Employees > Pay rate update wizard.
  2. Backup company data before processing pay rate update. Click ‘Next’ after backup.
  3. Select the third option to do the import the new pay rate from a file. Click ‘Next’ to continue.
  4. Select the parameters from the screen > Click ‘Next’.
  5. Browse and select the file.
  6. Select ‘Update master paycard’. Enter the effective date and Pay change reason. Then click ‘Process’ to proceed with the update.

  7. Type in "APPLY CHANGES" to the box to complete.
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