Update Company Information
When I try to update Company Information, the "Save" button does not get enabled.
- When I try to update Company Information, the "Save" button does not get enabled.
- Log in to the Harmony, and navigate to Configurations > Setup > Company Information.
This error comes when required fields are not entered or are entered incorrectly. Refer to the below steps to resolve the issue.
- In the "Company name" field, enter your Company name.
- In the "Address" field, enter your Address.
- In the "City" field, enter your City.
- In the "Postal code" field, enter a valid postal code.
- In the "Province" drop-down, select a Province.
- In the "Country" drop-down, select a Country.
- In the "Postal code" field, enter a valid postal code.
- In the "Company phone" field, enter a valid phone number.
- In the "Extension" field, enter a valid Extension.
- In the "Fax" field, enter a valid Fax number.
- In the "Company email" field, enter a valid email.
- In the "Company website" field, enter a valid website.
For the 'Contact person details' section enter the details below
- In the "First name" field, enter the Contact person's First name.
- In the "Last name" field, enter the Contact person's last name.
- In the "Position" field, enter the Contact person's Position.
- In the "Telephone" field, enter a valid phone number.
- In the "Extension" field, enter a valid Extension.
- Click the "Save" icon to save your changes.