TnA Installation And Setup Guide


Requirements for target machine

  1. Internet Information Server version 7 or higher (can not work on XP home) IIS must be installed first!. (if not, see the solution here:;EN-US;325093 )
  2. Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.5.1 (available at )
  3. Microsoft deployment package (available at
  4. Microsoft SQL Server version 2008 or higher with Clarity database (accessible through network)
  5. Internet Explorer version 10 or higher with Javascript enabled
  6. Clarity program (to configure TnA functionality) with TnA license


  1. Download the package files and copy it to a local folder. The package file is a zip file and it does not require to be extracted.
  2. Click Control Panel -> administration tools -> Internet information Services (IIS) manager

In the iis manager right click the "default website" select "Deploy" and "Import Application.

  1. On next screen select the package zip file from step 1.

  1. Click next until the "Application Package Information" form appears.
  2. First enter the application path. This parameter will be used in the url to open the webpage. For example when "Application Path" is set to "TnAWebApp" and the iis server is: "" , then the url to open the application would be:""
  3. On Sql server field enter SQL Server name and instance. For example: "sqlserver\akm"

SQl server name can be found on clarity database options. Copy and paste the value of "Database server location"

  1. Enter the sql server sa password. This is required only if the password has been changed from the paymate default password.

If the password is still blank then leave the password fields blank and proceed to next parameter.

  1. Mail server is the smtp mail server which is used to send the emails from. This could be obtained from the email provider.
  2. Enter the email address which the notification emails will be sent from as well

  1. Click next and finish on next screen to finalize the installation
  2. a) Open the IIS manager

b) Expand the server on left panel
c) Click on "Application Pools"
d) Right click on "Default application Pool" in the middle panel
e) Click on "Advanced Settings" menu
f) Set the ".NET Framework Version" to v4.0
g) Set the "Enable 32-Bit Applications" to True. (Windows 64 bit operating systems only)
h) Click ok button and close the window

Application setup via web.config file

Please note, this configuration is not necessary if the installation was successful.

Edit configuration file: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\tna\web.config. Application settings can be found in appSettings section.

  • SqlConnectionString - valid connection string (e.g. data source=localhost; initial catalog=Clarity_CPY; user id=clarity; password=clarity).
  • Mail.SmtpServer - SMTP server for automatic sending mail from application
  • Mail.From - sender's email address (automatic mails)
  • Mail.ErrorMailTo – email address to who we want to send the error messages (e.g.
  • RemindFirstTime - date and time when first reminders will be sent (e.g. 01/01/2004 00:10)
  • RemindPeriod - repeat period for reminders (e.g. 1.00:00:00 – 1 day)
  • GenerationTime - time of day when time entries will be generated (e.g. 08:00)

Configure Clarity functionality for web TnA application

Set TnA defaults in the preferences in the TnA tab. ({*}Setup > Preferences)

*Approval path options:

>Entered>Approved>Paid: Employees and/or managers can enter Time information, managers are required to approve any records before payroll may process it for payment.
>Entered>Paid: All time entered is considered immediately approved and available to payroll for processing.
>Entered>Submitted>Approved>Paid: Employees may enter time records that are hidden from the manager until the employee SUBMITS the record for approval. Managers may create, edit, delete, approve or reject any record that has been submitted. ONLY after approval is the record is available for processing by payroll.
Rounding Time Rules:
The system can be configured to round the start time (IN) and end times (OUT) of all time entries for the employees. The time is listed to show hours or minutes, so to round to the quarter (1/4) of an hour you would enter 00:15, half (1/2) hour would be 00:30 and hour would be 01:00.
You can choose to round to the nearest value, previous value or next (round value), here is a few example of how the rules apply:
TIME RULERULEStart ValueNew Value

  1. 00:15 NEXT08:04 am08:15 am
  2. 00:15PREVIOUS08:04 am08:00 am
  3. 00:15NEAR08:04 am08:00 am
  4. 00:15NEAR08:09 am08:15 am
  5. 00:15PREVIOUS08:09 am08:00 am
  6. 00:15NEXT08:09 am08:15 am
  • Set compensation summary in the employee master paycard ({*}Employees > Master paycard{*})
    • The category assigned here is the category to which the employees regular hourly wages are going to be reported. This category must be flagged "Used for attendance" in the category setup.

  • Create managers ({*}Setup > Managers{*})

  • Assign manager to the employees ({*}Employees > General information > Organization tab{*})


  • Work schedule MAY(optional) be defined. ({*}Setup > Attendance settings > Work schedules{*})

Employees with assigned work schedules will automatically have their records, upon creation, be set to the time span for the current day.
IE: If an employee create new record and it is Tuesday, their Time record will default to 08:00 to 16:00. The record can be modified to reflect the accurate start/end times for the employee.
When a lunch break is added for a day the time record will automatically be split into two records after it was saved if the original recorded spanned over the lunch break.
John enters a timesheet record from 08:00 and ending at 16:00.
After clicking on save the program breaks the record in two and actually creates
1 record for 08:00 – 13:00
1 record for 13:30 – 16:00
The lunch break automatically being applied.
Breaks 1 and 2 do not apply this function, only the "lunch" break option.

  • Overtime rule may(optional) be defined ({*}Setup > Attendance settings > Overtime rules)

*Overtime rule types

  • First hour Worked: All the hours for the selected day are assigned to the overtime category
  • After daily hours: Once the employee has worked the number of hours in a day assigned to his/her compensation summary the rest will be assigned to this overtime category.
  • After weekly hours: Once the employee has worked the number of hours in a week assigned to his/her compensation summary the rest will be assigned to this overtime category.
  • After Scheduled hours: If the employee works hours they are not schedule for (schedule required for this to work) the hours will be assigned to overtime.

Daily and weekly overtime rules can both be applied to the same day policy. However, only REGULAR (IE: Non-overtime hours) are used in the calculation of overtime for either rule.

  • TnA group must be defined ({*}Setup > Attendance settings > TnA groups{*})
  • The Timesheet period start date controls the date in which the timesheets are displayed but also is the start DAY (Monday,Tuesday, etc) used for calculating Weekly overtime.
  • TnA Employee's information must be checked ({*}Employees > TnA information)*
  • Web users must be set ({*}Setup > Security > Web users{*})
  • Payroll categories for the expense types must be created ({*}Setup > Payroll settings > Payroll categories{*})
  • Expense type must be defined. ({*}Setup > Attendance settings > Expense types{*})
  • Absence type must be created. ({*}Setup > Absence types{*})
  • Long term absence type must be created. ({*}Setup > Absence types{*})
  • Employee entitlements must be set ({*}Human resources > Absence > Absence entitlements{*})

  • Absence planning could be set ({*}Human resources > Absence > Absence planning)*

  • Company calendar and weekends should be set ({*}Company > Holiday calendar{*})

  • Rejection reasons must be created. ({*}Setup > Reasons > Rejections{*})

Now you can start the web TnA application!
http://<server address>/<virtual directory name>
*e.g. http://localhost/tna*


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