Timesheets (T&A)

Creating a Timesheet

There are three (3) ways you can create a timesheet within Harmony:

  1. Automatically creating a timesheet with existing clock entries
  2. Manually creating a timesheet
  3. Import a timesheet

Automatically Creating a Timesheet with Existing Clock Entries

To automatically create timesheets with clock entries, navigate to your Company Preferences and tick “Auto-Create Timesheets with Existing Clock Entries”. This means that if any user navigates to Clock Entries > All and creates a clock entry, a timesheet with the corresponding period of the clock entry will automatically be created. This is a great option to use if you have many employees or require approval for your clock entries.


Auto-creating timesheets will create them as drafts. You and your employees will still need to submit them for approval and approve of the timesheets.

Manually Creating a Timesheet

  1. Click “+ New” to create a new timesheet.
  2. Select the employee that you want to create a timesheet for.
  3. Select the corresponding timesheet period that you want to create a timesheet for.


Your employees can only have one timesheet per timesheet period. If the timesheet for a particular period was already approved or submitted for approval, you will not be able to create a new timesheet for the same period.

  1. Click the save button to save the timesheet as a draft or click the send button to submit the timesheet for approval.

Importing a Timesheet

Harmony lets you define custom interfaces so you can import your timesheets instead of creating them in Harmony. This is great if you are using a separate scheduling software or are tracking time worked in a spreadsheet.


You must have set up the interface correctly as a prerequisite. Review the Import & Export Interfaces section for more information.

  1. Click “Import” to import your timesheets.
  2. Select the name of the “Interface” that you want to use.
  3. Click “Choose File” to browse your computer for the file that will be used to import into Harmony.
  4. Click “Import” to finish importing your timesheets.


If you have successfully imported your timesheets, a message will appear to indicate that the import was successful. If you receive an error, there may be a mismatched field in the interface setup or your file. Be sure that your file is in the correct format (CSV or TXT depending on your interface setup) and all dates and times are in the correct format.  

Editing a Timesheet


If you require clock entries to be approved, you cannot add, edit, or delete clock entries in the timesheet. Any existing clock entries must be rejected, and you must add, edit, or delete them on the clock entry level before approving them again. Similarly, if the timesheet is already approved or pending approval, you must reject it first prior to making any changes in the timesheet.

Creating a Clock Entry Within a Timesheet

  1. From the list of timesheets, select the timesheet that you want to create a clock entry for.
  2. Click the “+” button on a particular date to add a clock entry for the selected date.
  3. Enter the fields as required. The fields required are the same as those in the clock entries.
  4. Click the save button to save your changes.

Editing a Clock Entry Within a Timesheet

  1. From the list of timesheets, select the timesheet that contains the clock entry you want to edit.
  2. For each clock entry, click the edit button to edit the clock entry.
  3. Edit the fields as required.
  4. Click the save button to save your changes.
  5. Click the save button for the timesheet to save it as a draft or click the send button to submit the timesheet for approval.

Deleting a Clock Entry Within a Timesheet

  1. From the list of timesheets, select the timesheet that contains the clock entry you want to delete.
  2. Click the edit button for the clock entry that you want to delete.
  3. Click the delete button to delete the clock entry.
  4. Harmony will ask for your confirmation that you want to delete the clock entry. Click “Delete” to delete the clock entry. The clock entry is now deleted.


If you accidentally deleted a clock entry, you can re-create it manually if you do not require approvals for clock entries.

Deleting a Timesheet


You cannot delete a timesheet if it is already approved or pending approval. You must first reject the timesheet.

  1. From the list of timesheets, select the timesheet you want to delete.
  2. Click the delete button to delete the timesheet.
  3. Harmony will ask for your confirmation that you want to delete the clock timesheet. Click “Delete” to delete the timesheet. The timesheet is now deleted.


If you accidentally deleted a timesheet, you can re-create it manually.

Approving or Rejecting a Timesheet


You can only approve or reject a timesheet if you are the approver for an employee’s timesheet.

  1. From the list of timesheets, select the timesheet you want to approve or reject.
  2. To approve this timesheet, click “Approve”.
  3. To reject this timesheet, click “Reject”. You will need to enter a reason for the rejection.

Mass-Approving or Rejecting Timesheets


You can only approve or reject a timesheet if you are the approver for an employee’s timesheet.

  1. Using the checkboxes next to each timesheet, tick the timesheets you want to mass-approve or mass-reject.
  2. To approve the selected timesheets, click “Approve”.
  3. To reject the selected timesheets, click “Reject”. You will need to enter a reason for the rejection.

Exporting Timesheets

If you are using a different system, you can export your timesheets from Harmony and import them elsewhere.

  1. Click “Export”.
  2. Select the appropriate file type that you want to export your file.


A .CSV file is a comma delimited file type. This means that your values are separated by commas. When you open a .CSV file in Excel, your values are separated in columns. A .TXT file is a plain text file and is simply a sequence of lines. If you’re not sure which one to use, .CSV is typically the easiest to manage.

  1. Enter the name of the file to be exported.
  2. Click “Export” to complete the process. Your exported file will be automatically downloaded to your browser’s default downloads folder.


If you’re not sure where your browser’s default downloads folder is, double-check your browser settings.

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