Harmony T&A - Timesheets

Your timesheet periods refer to the period of which your timesheets are for. Often, this is identical to your pay periods in payroll. You can review your timesheet periods by navigating to Setup > Timesheets.

Creating a Timesheet Period

  1. Click “+ New” to create a new timesheet period.
  2. Enter the required fields.

Field Name



A short name for the timesheet period.


The name of the timesheet period.

“Period Type”

Identifies the frequency of the timesheet period – either weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly.

“Day of the Week”

Only required if your period type is weekly. Identifies the first day of each week (e.g. selecting “Monday” means your timesheet periods will run from Monday through Sunday).

“First Timesheet Period End Date”

Only required if your period type is bi-weekly. Identifies the end date of your first timesheet period.

“Initial Days”

Only required if your period type is semi-monthly. Identifies the first date of each period of the month (e.g. selecting “1st-16th” means your timesheet periods will be 1st-15th and 16th until the end of the month).

“Day of the Month”

Only required if your period type is monthly. Identifies the first date of the month (e.g. entering “1” means your timesheet periods will be from the 1st to the end to the end of the month).

  1. Click the save button to save your changes.

Editing a Timesheet Period

  1. From the list of timesheet periods, select the timesheet period you want to edit.
  2. Edit the fields as required. You may click the “Modify Dates” button to manually modify the dates if required.
    • If you are manually modifying dates for your timesheet period, you will not be allowed to have timesheet periods that overlap one another.
  1. Click the save button to save your changes.

Deleting a Timesheet Period

If the timesheet period is already assigned to an employee, you cannot delete the timesheet period. You must assign the employee(s) to another timesheet period before attempting to delete it.

  1. From the list of timesheet periods, select the timesheet period you want to delete.
  2. Click the delete button to delete the timesheet period.
  3. Harmony will ask for your confirmation that you want to delete the timesheet period. Click “Delete” to delete the timesheet period. The timesheet period is now deleted.

If you accidentally deleted a timesheet period, you can re-create it manually.

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