T4 Creation and Maintenance Questions

Frequently asked T4 creation and maintenance question and answer.


Multiple EI Groups -  If you have multiple EI groups you still have to create T4’s separately for each of those EI groups.

RCT or RP Number - They used to be called RCT or Pension numbers they are now called RP numbers. A typical RP number is 15 characters long and should look like this:  123456789RP0001  

My Company Name or the RCT or RP number is different now - If your number or your company name has changed for any reason you will have to re-enter it in the system. To do this you must edit the company setup screen. To access this screen you click on the edit button in the opening screen of windows. Hi-light your company in the select company screen and click on edit. The number is on the left hand side in the lower portion of the screen. This is where you change your number. If necessary you can also change the company name in the appropriate place in this screen.

The Company Business Number does not print on copies 2 & 3 of the T4 - This is correct your business number is confidential and is not to be printed on the employee’s copies of the T4’s. 

Only the company name is printing on the T4’s the address is not printing - This is correct.  Revenue Canada does not require the company address to be printed on the T4’s any more.  All tracking is done through your RCT/RP number.

Alignment of T4’s - The laser T4’s should line up with little difficulty. You may have to adjust the margins by a couple of mms depending on your printer settings. You make this adjustment when you go to print the T4’s the margin adjustments are on the same page. 

How do I balance my T4’s against other records to check that they are right - To balance the T4’s that Paymate prints you should print the following reports:

  • Employee Year To Date
  • Employee History Summary Journal for the year.

The Employee Year to Date and the Employee History should match exactly. These two reports should in turn match with your T4 Summary and the Audit Report both of which Paymate will create for you.

If they don’t match you need to check the following:

  1. Make sure that when you printed the Employee History report that you printed it for the entire year.  From January 1 to December 31.
  2. Check and verify the date parameters. (Period End vs. Cheque Date) If you print the report using cheque date and it appears to be incorrect or does not balance with the Employee Year to Date, reprint the report using period end date and the result in most cases will be different.
  3. The differences between cheque date and period end date usually occur on Bi-Weekly pays where one week is in the previous year. See #4 for a further explanation.
  4. Remember that the T4 includes money that was paid in that year only. For example if at the end of the year you pay period end date was December 30 2000 and the employee was paid on January 2 nd 2001 the amount of that cheque is to go on Year 2001 T4’s NOT on 2000. It is year 2001 income. It does not matter when the money was earned. It is when the money was paid that the taxes etc are charged.

I need to adjust the T4’s how do I do this - There are various ways to enter T4 Adjustments.  The one which is most recommended is to make the adjustments on the last history record for the employee. If you need to add things like taxable benefits etc., we recommend that you make these changes on the last history record of the year. After this is done you can create the T4’s and things should balance as per the above.

If you choose to adjust the T4 directly under the T4 edit screen you must remember that your T4 Summary will have to be changed to reflect your changes. 

Also if you adjust the T4’s through the T4 edit screen, if for any reason you re-create T4’s then any changes that you made to the T4 slips will be lost.

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