Setup Import Paycard for comma-delimited file (Hours/payroll category by row)

Comma-delimited file is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values. The file type can be .TXT or .CSV.

NOTE: if using a .CSV open with Notepad as the leading zero will disappear if the column format is not Text type.


Create the Import File:

On the desktop of your computer, right click the screen > new > Text document. it should make a new .TXT file.
The file has the following format:

Column 1Employee id
Column 2Pay category
Column 3Numbers of Hours
Column 4Amount

If the value is not there leave them blank.

Create a new import interface:


  1. Go to Configuration > Interfaces > Paycard import interfaces.
  2. Click on (+) sign to create a new interface.
  3. On Details tab add Code and Name of the new layout
    File Type= Comma delimited file
    Additional settings: only check The file provides payroll category numbers
  4. Click on “Filed mapping” tab.
  5. Select the Source field from the drop down list and enter the source column from the file.
  6. Click “Add” button to add new line.
  7. Click on the Save button.

Batch the payroll using new interface:


  1. Go to Payroll > Process Paycards > Batch Payroll.
  2. Make the selection > click Next.
  3. Select import interface name and browse for the file to be imported.
  4. Click next (at the bottom).
  5. Click Run Payroll.

    A successful import will produce the following screen.
  6. To check the imported data: Go to Payroll > Process Paycards > Edit Paycards.
  7. Double click on your employee.
  8. If the entry is incorrect review the import file. You can Overwrite on the Batch Paycard wizard as many time as you want.
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