Setup Group Insurance

How to setup a group insurance policy.

There are two parts to setup Group Insurance Setup.

We need to create two Payroll categories: one is a Deduction type for the Employee side and the other Benefit type for the Employer side

Create a SANDBOX company where you can test prior applying to the real company.

  1. Backup your data: utilities > backup company data > write down the location and file name.
  2. Create the test company: Setup > Company > Add button > enter test company name (Example: SANDBOX. Company name visible in the left bottom corner in Acclaim)
  3. In the SANDBOX: Utilities > Restore > browse for the backup saved at step 1 > Restore.
  4. In the SANDBOX apply the changes and run a mock payroll for one or two employees, post and print the history detail report to see the results.

NOTE: The numbers of the pay categories in the screenshots are fictive and the user can enter their own number.

Employee part (EE) – deduction pay category:

  1. Go to Setup > Payroll categories > Click on button “Add” on the right hand side and click “Deduction” Type.
  2. Include code of the payroll category “Item Number” Description, Abbreviation (EE) Means Employee Part.
  3. User can select the T4 box from the drop down list, select the type of the pay category and if this needs to be deducted before taxes.
    1. If type is defined as “Regular” then user need to enter the amount when creating the Paycard
    2. If type is defined as “Formula” then the user need to select the pay categories that will be user in the deduction.
  4. Once the deduction is created the user can go to the employee master paycard and enter the %:
    Setup > employees > select employee > edit > Paycard tab > locate the pay category and enter the %.

Employer part (ER) – Benefit Pay Category:

  1. Go to Setup > Payroll categories.
  2. Click on “Add” on the right hand side > “Benefit” Type.
  3. Include code of the payroll category “Item Number” Description, Abbreviation (ER) Means Employer Part.
  4. If type is equal as “Regular” the user will enter the amount when creating the Paycard
    If type is equal as “Formula” then the user need to select the pay category that will be considered for the Pay Category.
  5. On Employee master paycard under the Benefit can adjust the amount he wants to contribute for GL(ER) for this particular employee by adjusting the factor. By default the factor is 100 (i.e. 100% of the formula definition) and if the Employer wants to contribute a different amount for this employee then the factor can be changed to represent the correct percentage.
  6. If the user has multiple group insurance then user need to determine which will pay : the employee or the employer , or both.
    In the case above the employee and employer will pay and deduction and benefit pay categories will be created.
  7. If only the employee will pay then only deduction pay category should added.
    If only the employer will pay then only one benefit pay category should added. 
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