Setup Employer RRSP contributions

Setting up Employer RRSP contributions to match employee contribution.


In order to setup the Employer RRSP contribution to match employee contributions a Benefit payroll category can be added. 

Creating a benefit category:

  1. Go to Setup > Payroll Settings > Paroll Categories.
  2. Click on add (+) button and select Benefit from the list of options.  
  3. Complete the Basic Information under the General Tab.
  4. Go to the form assignment tab.
  5. Under the SUBJECT TO window federal, provincial and Quebec (if required) income taxes flags should be checked.
  6. For the Type, choose Formula.
  7. Click on the Formula button that appears.
  8. Use the Payroll category button to add the all of the Earnings categories that can be used in the RRSP calculation (Salary, Hourly Wages, Overtime, Vacation Pay etc.).
    Note: If the contribution is the same for all employees then you can enter it here as a percentage. If the contribution rate is determined at the employee level you can enter it here as 100% but set the appropriate rate on the employees’ master Paycard.
  9. Under the Form assignment tab assign the payroll category to Box 20 on T4 and if required in your case on Box D on Releve1.

Once the payroll category setup is complete precede to employee master paycard to set the individual contribution rate under the deduction tab. Depending on how the payroll category was setup you enter appropriate rate in the factor field. If the category was set as standard percentage for all enter 100 here. If the rate is to be set individually then enter the employee’s contribution rate here.

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