Setup Bonus Payroll Category

How to setup a bonus or profit sharing category for employee(s).
  1. Head to Setup > Payroll Categories
  2. Click the Add… button. Select Earning
  3. Enter the applicable identification information (typically named bonus)
  4. Under Subject to … ensure that the correct taxes are selected or unselected.
  5. For the Type, ensure the correct type is selected (For bonuses, this may be set at a specific value or formula).
  6. Select the Form Assignments this payroll category should report to if applicable.
  7. Uncheck Vacation Pay and Sick Pay if they do not apply to your company.
  8. Click Save when you are done to save.
  9. The system will ask if you wish to assign this category to all active employees. Press the Yes button if you want to apply this to all employees, otherwise press No.
  10. If you pressed no in the previous category:
    1. Head to Setup > Employees.
    2. Select one of the employees you wish to add the category to and click the Select button or double click.
    3. Head to the Pay Card section. 
    4. Find the category you created and check it off to make it active. 
    5. Press the Save button when you are done.
  11. Ensure you turn off the category for employees after the current pay run if you do not wish to pay them with this category again.
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