Harmony T&A - Time Off

Login to your T&A module then navigate to Setup > Time Off.

  1. Click “+ New” to create a new time off type.
  2. Enter the required fields.

Field Name



A short name for the time off type.


The name of the time off type. 

“Time Off Unit”

Identifies if the time off balance for employees will be shown and requested in hours or days.


Identifies if the time off type will only be used temporarily. If ticked, you must enter an expiry date.

“Calendar Color”

The color of this time off type that will be displayed in the calendar. This is a required field if you have “Display on Calendar” ticked.

“Assign To”

Identifies which employees are eligible to request time off using this time off type.

“Policy Type”

How this time off type will be can be set up (if any). If ‘No Policy’, no accruals are required (e.g. unpaid time off). If ‘Initial Policy’, a standard accrual will occur but it does not depend on years of service (e.g. sick time). If ‘Set of Policies’, accruals will accrue depending on the years of service (e.g. vacation).

“Entitlement Date”

Only required if policy type is ‘initial policy’ or ‘set of policies’. Identifies the date that the accrual will be made. If ‘Employee’s Start Date’, accruals occur based on the employee’s date of hire. If ‘After Employee’s Start Date’, accruals occur after the employee’s date of hire. If ‘Fiscal Year’, accruals occur on your fiscal year, as set up in your system preferences. If ‘After Employee’s Start Date Based on Fiscal Year’, accruals occur on your fiscal year but takes the employee’s years of service into account.


Identifies how your time off type is accrued. If ‘Yearly’, this time off type will accrue once per year based on the entitlement date. If ‘By Timesheet Period’, this time off type will accrue several times a year based on the employee’s assigned timesheet or pay period (e.g. accruing weekly or bi-weekly). If ‘By Hours Worked’, this time off type will accrue depending on the number of hours that your employees work (e.g. accrue 2 hours for every 80 hours worked).


Identifies how many units are accrued based on the accrual rule.

“Occurs X After the End of Timesheet Period”

When the balance is accrued after the end of the timesheet period. This field only applies if your accrual rule is by timesheet period or by hours worked.

“Allow Employees to Carry Over”

If ticked, allows your employees to carry over the specified number of units from one period to the next.

“Limit Max Balance”

If ticked, limits the number of units your employees can have at one time. If your employees accrual is already at the defined maximum, they will not be able to accrue more units until they use what they have.

“Limit Max Requested”

If ticked, limits the number of units your employees can request for in one record. If your employee wants to request for more than the defined maximum, they must submit multiple requests.


The period of time after an employee’s date of hire before they are eligible to request time off using this time off type.

“Pay Code”

The pay code that is associated to the time off type.

“Leave Units Will Be Deducted If It Overlaps

with Holidays and Weekends”

If ticked, the employee’s balance will be deducted if their request falls on a holiday (as defined in your holiday calendar) or weekend/days that your employee does not work (as defined in their assigned shift).

“Allow Negative Balance”

If ticked, your employee is allowed to request for time off even if they have not accrued enough units.

“Booking Required”

If ticked, the time off requests must go through your approval path.

“Display on Calendar”

If ticked, approved requests for this time off type will appear in the time off calendar in Time Off > Calendar.

“Default to New Employee”

If ticked, this time off type will automatically be assigned to new employees that you create in the system.

  1. Click the save button to "Save" your changes.

Youtube video: Setting up Time off Types in Time & Attendance

Editing a Time Off Type

You cannot edit a time off type if it was used in any time off records.

  1. From the list of time off types, click the time off type that you want to edit.
  2. Edit the fields as required.
  3. Click the save button to save your changes.

Adjusting Time Off Balances for Employees

 You can easily adjust your employees’ time off balances.

    • You can adjust the balances for assigned time off types on a time off type level. If you want to adjust balances for employees on an employee level, please review the Adjusting an Employee’s Time Off Balances section.
  1. From the list of time off types, verify which type you want to adjust.
  2. Click “Adjust” to adjust the balances of your selected time off type. You will see the employees who are assigned this time off type and their current balance.
  3. Enter the amount that you want to adjust the type by. Enter a positive number to increase the balance or enter a negative number with a “-“ symbol preceding the number to reduce the balance.
  4. Click the refresh button if you want to reset the number back to the original current balance.
  5. Click the save button to save your changes. You can also reopen to check the Audit History of all adjustments to the balances made.

Deleting a Time Off Type

If the time off type is already assigned to an employee, you cannot delete the time off type. You must unassign this time off type from the employee(s) before attempting to delete it.

  1. From the list of time off types, click the time off type that you want to delete.
  2. Click the delete button to delete the time off type.
  3. Harmony will ask for your confirmation that you want to delete the time off type. Click “Delete” to delete the time off type. The time off type is now deleted.

If you accidentally deleted a time off type, you can re-create it manually.

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