Save a New "Primary" Record to Employee "Employee Contacts" Tab

I am unable to save Employee "Employee Contacts" Tab successfully.


  • I am unable to save the employee "Employee Contacts" new record when the contact is "Emergency Contact" and also a "Primary" contact. The "Save" is disabled and I get the error "This field is required". This is due to the fact that mandatory values are missing.


  • N/A


  1. After logging into Harmony, navigate to Human Resources > Setup > Employee.
  2. Search and select the employee using the search bar.
  3. Select the "Employee Contacts" Tab.
  4. Click on '+New' button.
  5. Check the tick "Emergency Contact".
  6. Check the tick "Primary".
  7. In the "First name", enter a value.
  8. In the "Last name" enter a value. 
  9. In the "Gender" field, select a value.
  10. n the "SIN/SSN" enter a valid SIN/SSN number.
  11. In the "Email Address" field, enter a valid email address.
  12. In the "Address" field, enter a value.
  13. Click “Save” icon to add "Employee Contacts" new record
  14. Click “Save” icon to add to the Employee.
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