SAP® B1 v9 and v10 (Service Layer)

Clarity supports seamless integration with versions 9 and 10 of SAP Business One® (B1) using the service layer.

You can easily import/export your employees, as well as import your GL entries into SAP® B1 as unposted journal vouchers. This integration is compatible with both SQL and HANA database variants of SAP®

Note: Clarity also supports SAP® R3 and B1 versions 2007, 8.8, and 9 using an API from SAP®.

Import/Exporting GL Entries


  • Have access to Paymate Clarity and SAP Business One®, both installed on the same computer
  • Have posted the payroll you’d like to export from Clarity


I. Interface and Parameter Configuration

  1. In Clarity, navigate to Setup > Preferences > Interfaces.
  2. In the General Ledger Settings section, select either 'SAP Business One v.10, v.9 – Service Layer Detail' or 'SAP Business One v.10, v.9 – Service Layer Summary' in the "Default Export Interface" field. If you’re not sure what the difference between these two are, read the end of this article. 
  3. In the same Interfaces tab, check the parameter box “Use code finder” if you'd like Clarity to retrieve a list of your GL account codes from SAP® B1. If you prefer to enter your GL account codes manually, leave this checkbox unchecked and move onto step III. 

II. Retrieving GL Account Codes

You must have ticked the "Use code finder" checkbox in your Preferences in order for Clarity to retrieve your GL account codes (refer to step I). If you prefer to enter these manually, move onto step III. 

  1. Navigate to Setup > General Ledger settings > Refresh Code Finder.
  2. Enter the connection information if this is your first time using the integration. After you have entered them, Clarity will save the connection information. The person who installed SAP® on your computer should know this information. 
    1. User ID: This is the ID used when logging into SAP Business One®.
    2. User Password: This is the password for the login used above.
    3. Server Name: This is the SQL server that is being used to house the SAP Business One® data (may not necessarily be the Paymate Clarity SQL server).
    4. Company ID: This is the ID of the company, as defined in SAP Business One®.
    5. Currency Code: This is the currency code being used by SAP Business One®, as it applies to the payroll transactions to be transferred.
    6. Employee Identification: Select how you want your employees to be identified once transferred to SAP®. If you don't want to transfer employee info, select ‘None’.
    7. Memo: Enter a memo to be used as a descriptor for the transactions to be transferred (i.e. Payroll Run #26).
  3. Click “Next”.
  4. Click “Refresh”. After the refresh is complete, you will get a message that says “Import complete!”. If you do not receive this message, but instead receive an error message, refer to the error codes section at the end of this article to troubleshoot.
  5. Verify that the your GL accounts are imported by navigating to Setup > General Ledger settings > G/L Accounts.
  6. Select any department, then double-click an empty column next to a debit/credit field. This will open the list of available GL Account codes that were imported from SAP® B1.

III. Entering Your GL Account Codes

You must have left the "Use code finder" checkbox in your Preferences unmarked in order to manually enter your GL account codes (refer to step I). If you prefer to have Clarity retrieve these from SAP® for you, tick this checkbox and refer to step II. 

  1. Navigate to Setup > General Ledger settings > G/L Accounts. 
  2. Select a department.
  3. Enter the appropriate debit/credit fields for each payroll category for the selected department. 
  4. Click the checkmark button to save your accounts. 

IV. Exporting GL Entries from Clarity to SAP Business One® as Unposted Journal Vouchers

  1. Navigate to Payroll > Export > Export to G/L (export all payroll data which hasn't been exported yet) or Export to G/L special (select specific payroll records to be exported based on department, payroll group, or date range). Using the Export to G/L special option also allows you to re-export records that have already been exported. 
  2. Ensure that the correct export interface is selected. If it is not the correct interface, read through step I again to select the correct one in your Preferences. 
  3. Go to the G/L parameters tab and enter the required information.
  4. Click “Next”.
  5. Select the paycards that you want to export. To prevent duplicate entries in SAP® B1, Clarity will track which information has already been exported. You can also email a report to an SAP® user on which information you are about to export.
  6. Click “Export”. Your transactions will be exported into SAP® B1.
  7. If the export was successful, the records will appear as unposted journal vouchers in SAP® B1. Access the vouchers in SAP® B1 by going to Financials > Journal Vouchers. If the export was unsuccessful, an error message will be displayed. Refer to the error codes section at the end of this article to troubleshoot. 

Import/Exporting Employee Records


  • Have access to Paymate Clarity and SAP Business One®, both installed on the same computer
  • Employee creation must have been done in SAP® B1


  1. In Clarity, navigate to Setup > Preferences > Interfaces.
  2. In the Employee Exchange Settings section, select “SAP Business One v.10, v.9 – Service Layer (Seamless)” in the "Default Interface" field.
  3. Click the checkmark icon to save your selection. 
  4. Navigate to Utilities > Employee Exchange > SAP Business One Service Layer employees exchange.
  5. Select either 'Import into Clarity from SAP Business One' or 'Export from Clarity to SAP Business One'.
  6. If importing, there will be two checkboxes: one for adding employees and the other for overwriting (updating) existing employees. The software will not allow you to add and update employees simultaneously, so select only one of these options.
  7. Click "Next".
  8. Enter the connection information for the server. This information will be saved after you enter it for the first time.
  9. If importing your employees into Clarity, the next screen will show you a list of all employees that were found in SAP® B1 that currently do not exist in Clarity. A short list of the fields that will be transferred are displayed, including the employee's Employee Number, Surname, First name, Payroll group, Address, and City. 
  10. Additional fields that will be transferred that you are not shown at this time are: 
  • State or Province*
  • Country*
  • Social Security Number (USA) or Social Insurance Number (CAN)*
  • Date of Birth*
  • Hire Date*
  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Department
  • Job Title
  • Home Telephone Number
  • Cell phone number
  • Office Phone number
  • Employment Status (Active, Terminated)
  • Email Address
  • Postal or ZIP Code

Difference Between Detail and Summary Exports

If you are using the Detail GL export layout, then the interface will create transactions in your “Check” section of SAP® showing the complete check and GL Details.

If you are using the Summary GL export layout, the entire transaction will appear as a single journal entry in SAP®.

Error Codes

Most error codes that you may encounter relate to your server connection information. Verify with the person who installed SAP® on your computer that these fields are correct. 

  • 10061: REST request failed: Socket Error # 10061. Connection refused.
    • Service Root URL is incorrect. Adjust your server connection information and try again. 
  • 10060: REST request failed: Socket Error # 10061. Connection timed out.
    • Service Root URL is incorrect. Adjust your server connection information and try again. 
  • 10: Fail to get DB Credentials from SLD
    • Company DB name is incorrect. Adjust this field in your server connection information and try again. 
  • 100000027: Fail to get DB Credentials from SLD
    • User name or password is incorrect. Adjust these fields in your server connection information and try again. 

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