Reverse or Void a Cheque

How do I void or reverse a cheque in Acclaim?

Note: It is strongly advised that you make a backup of your data (Utilities > Backup company data).
There are two methods you can use to void the cheque, detailed below.



Option 1: Deleting posted history records:

When a payroll run is posted, the system creates a ‘Payroll History’ record, which is kept in the employee information section. These ‘Payroll History’ records are what is used for all reports, forms, etc. At all times, you have the ability to go into this section, and view the posted history, add new records, or delete a posted record.

To delete a record:


  1. Go to Setup > Employees.
  2. Double-click on the employee in question, and go to the History tab. You will see a series of records, each containing the details of a posted payroll run. 
  3. Find the record which you wish to delete, highlight it (by clicking on it once), and click on ‘Delete History Record’.
    NOTE: This will permanently delete the record from history, and you will not be able to retrieve it. It is strongly advised that you make a backup of your data prior to deleting any history records.
  4. Go to Utilities > integrity check.
  5. Optional: You can run history report to verify.


Option 2: Reversing a posted cheque

Alternatively, the system offers a ‘Reverse’ function, located in the Cheque Reconciliation. What the Reverse function will do is add to the system a reversal entry, which will be an exact replica of the original cheque, only with negative figures.
This is the preferred method of voiding a cheque, as it leaves you with an Audit Trail of the original entry, as well as the ability to undo the reversal at a later date.

To reverse a posted cheque:


  1. Go to Payroll > Cheque Reconciliation.
  2. Find and highlight the cheque you wish to reverse, and click on the ‘Reverse’ button. The system will then ask you to confirm the reversal, and once approved, will add a reversal entry.
  3. Go to Utilities > integrity check.
  4. Optional: You can run history report to verify.


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