I get the error REPPREFS.DBF when previewing/printing a report.



Option 1:

  1. Test General Ledger in Demo or DemoIT company.
  2. If you are able to open the menu and preview the reports go into the working folder and access the Demo.CPY or DemoIT.cpy folder.
  3. Close Acclaim completely.
  4. Go to the data year folder (example; the folder will be titled 2015 if the error message occurs in your company in 2015).
  5. Copy the REPPREFS.dbf file in the Demo.CPY/2015 folder and paste it into the your company's data year folder (for example; your company name is Test and folder name is Test.CPY, please go to Test.CPY/2015 and paste the file).
  6. Re-open Acclaim and access your company data.
  7. Try to preview the General Ledger or Cheques & Slips.


Option 2:

Ensure no other user has Acclaim open then the user that will proceed with the following:

  1. Backup company data as is: Utilities > backup company data
  2. Run integrity check: Utilities > integrity check
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