Protractor GL Export

  1. Go to Setup > Preferences.
  2. The Default export interface will be Standard G/L detail.

  3. Click the to save at the top. No further interface setups will be required.

How to do the GL Interface

Clarity incorporates a ‘GL Export’ function, which allows you to export your posted payroll information to an external file, which can then be imported into Protractor for General Ledger purposes.


  1. Ensure that your pay cards have been properly processed, and posted (unposted information will not export).
  2. Go to Payroll > Export > Export to GL Special.
  3. On the ‘Export Parameters’ tab (figure1), enter select which Groups to Include. Department, Division, Payroll Group, EI Group and/or company total you wish to include. You can select none of these, or any combination. To include all, simply leave the selection unchecked. Select ‘Company Totals’ if you wish only to see company totals for items exported.

    (Figure 2)
  4. In the ‘Date Range’ section (Figure 2), select the range of dates you wish to use. This can be done by Quarter, for a specific Pay Period, or for a range of dates. If you wish to include your Cost Allocation details, select this flag here.

    (Figure 3)
  5. On the ‘Preferences’ tab (Figure 3), choose the method you would like to use in applying the date range. ‘By Period Ending date’ will sort by items posted between the period dates specified, and ‘By Cheque date’ will sort items by Cheque date used.

    (Figure 4)
  6. In the ‘Destination’ field (Figure4)(normally located on the Preferences tab), enter the proper file name and location of the file to be exported. It is recommended that you make a note of this name/location, as it will be required when you import into your GL software.

    (Figure 5)     
  7. In the ‘Batch Date’ field (Figure 5), enter the date that you would like this transaction batch to use in your GL package. It should be noted that the Cheque dates, as entered in Paymate Platinum, will remain as is.

    (Figure 6)
  8. Enter the proper information into all GL Parameter fields (the GL Parameters tab) (Figure 6).

    (Figure 7)
  9. When you are satisfied that all information is correct, click on ‘Next’ (Figure 7).

    (Figure 8)
  10. This will display a list of transactions (Figure 8) that fall within the specified date range. Here, you can specify exactly what items to include in the export file, by selecting or de-selecting the ‘Selected’ box as desired.  Once all selections have been made, you can preview the raw import file by clicking on the ‘Preview’ button, or view the GL Report for transactions included by clicking on ‘GL Report’.

    (Figure 9)
  11. Once you are satisfied all information is correct, click on ‘Export’ (Figure 9) to create the file. 

NOTE: The Export to GL Special function will include all transactions for the specified date range, regardless of whether or not they have been previously exported. In order to make sure that information is not duplicated, it is advised that you use the Export to GL function, unless absolutely necessary.


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