Print cheques after posting

Can I print cheques after I have posted?


Cheques can only be printed PRIOR to posting the paycards. If you need to re-print a cheque after posting, follow the steps below.


  1. On the top menu go to Utilities > Backup. Create a backup of the current database.
  2. On the top menu go to Utilities > Restore and choose a backup which was created just before posting the Paycards.
  3. On the top menu go to Payroll > Print cheques and pay stubs and print the cheques required.
  4. On the top menu go to Utilities > Restore and choose a backup which was created in Step 1.

Note: If you did not make a backup before posting, follow the steps below.


  1. On the top menu go to Payroll > Cheque Reconciliation.
  2. Highlight the cheque(s) you have to print again and click Reverse.
  3. Do the complete payroll again for those employees for that pay period.
  4. Print the cheques.
  5. Post the data again.
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