Print and Email paystubs by selecting an employee's paystub.

When I try to print paystubs, the "Print"/ "Email" icon does not get enabled.


  • When I try to print paystubs, the "Print"/"Email" icon does not get enabled.


  • Log in to Harmony and navigate to Payroll Employee > Paystub History.


This issue can occur when trying to print or email paystubs without selecting an employee's paystub. To resolve this, follow the steps outlined below.

  1. In the "Payroll Group" field, select a payroll group.
  2. In the "Filter" field, select a drop-down value.
  3. Click on the "Refresh" icon.
  4. From the loaded list, select the Paystubs check box.
  5. Click on the "Print"/"Email" icon.
  6. If you select Email, then add a "Subject of the outgoing emails" and "Body of the outgoing emails"
  7. Press the "Send Emails" icon.
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