Payroll Category Setup

Your payroll categories are the building blocks of your payroll. Everything that affects your employees' pay, taxes, and others (even if it doesn't appear on their paystub) should be created as a payroll category. Note: Acclaim comes preloaded with certain payroll categories. Ensure that you have reviewed them and are not creating duplicate categories.


Creating a new Category:


  1. Navigate to Setup > Payroll Categories.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Select from the dropdown one of the 4 classifications.
  4. Enter all required fields. Depending on the class of the payroll category, you may have additional fields to enter. 
  5. Click the Save button to save your changes.
  6. You will be asked if you would like to assign this new category to all active employees. Click Yes or No
  7. Repeat steps 1-5 until all payroll categories are setup.


Category ClassificationDefinitionExamples
Payroll TaxYour taxes can be employee-paid or employer-paid. Employee-paid taxes are things that subtract from the employee's gross pay. Employer-paid taxes are things that do not affect your employees' gross nor net pay, but can be used for tracking purposes or to generate certain reports.

Employee-paid: Income tax

Employer-paid: Workers' Compensation, Employer Health Tax

EarningYour earnings are things that add to the employee's gross pay.Salary, Hourly wages, overtime, commission
DeductionYour deductions are things that subtract from the employee's gross or net pay.Garnishments, employee-paid RRSPs/benefits
BenefitYour benefits are things that do not affect your employees' gross pay, but may affect net pay, as your benefits may be taxable.Employer-paid RRSPs/benefits


Assigning Categories:


  1. Navigate to Setup > Employees.
  2. Highlight the employee you wish to add the category to. Double click or click the Edit button.
  3. Head to the Pay Card tab.
  4. Check off the box for the new category.
  5. Click the Save button when you are done.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 until all employees are setup.
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