Pay grid update

NOTE: This is for the Clarity with Human Resources module.


  1. Go to Setup > HR settings > Pay Grid Codes.
  2. Select the pay grid from the list to which the rate has to be updated.
  3. Select “Future pay grid” tab.
  4. Click “Copy Current to Future” button ( ). The rates will be copied from current pay grid to Future Pay grid.
  5. User can update either by amount or percentage. Enter the amount or percentage.
  6. Click “Change by” to do the update.

  7. After this step, you can put on the effective date. Save the changes.


  8. To copy the current pay grid into the past and the future to the current select the “Current pay grid (mandatory)” tab.
  9. Click “Copy Current to Past and Future to Current” button.

  10. After updating Pay grid to apply the rates changes on the master pay card for the employees, Go to > Human Resources > Employee pay update wizard.

  11. Take a backup before make these changes, in case if you want to revert back.

  12. Make the selection in the Parameter tab in this Employee pay update wizard

  13. If updating master employee master paycard select “Update master pay card”. Enter “Effective date” and select “Pay change reason” from the drop down list. User can make the selection into “Employee to include”.
  14. Click on "Process" to complete the update on their master pay card.

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