On Boarding and Inviting Employees

This article shows information about on boarding employees using Harmony HR

To navigate to this section, login to Harmony then navigate to Human Resources > Employees > On Boarding. 

  • The Onboarding section lists all new hires. 
  • There are two subsections: "Onboarding Employees" and "Invite Employees." 

1. Onboarding Employees: 

  • Lists new hires whose start dates are within the last 30 days. 
  • You can review their checklists or documents. 
  • Any changes to the onboarding checklist, documents, or other items won't be automatically refreshed for this new hire. 
  • Reviewing a New Hire’s Checklist: 
    1. Select the employee you want to review from the list of new hires.
    2. Review the completion and deadlines for their onboarding checklist.
    3. Use checkboxes to confirm completed items.
    4. You can download or print this checklist for your records.
  • Sending a New Hire Their Onboarding Link: 
    1. Configure your email settings to send new hires their onboarding link. 
    2. After creating the employee profile, send them the onboarding link to complete additional information themselves.

2. Invite Employees: 

    • Use this feature if you don't have all the required information from the employee to create a profile. 
    • Send the onboarding link to new hires to provide necessary information. 
    • After completion, the administrative user will confirm and add required job-related details. 
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