Off Boarding Employees

This article shows information about off boarding employees using Harmony HR.

To navigate to his section, login to Harmony then navigate to Human Resources > Employees > Off Boarding.

  • Employees with an "Inactive" or "Terminated" status and a termination date are sent to the offboarding process. 
  • Access the offboarding list by navigating to HR > Employees > Off Boarding.

Reviewing Off boarding Employees: 

  1. When an employee's status is set to 'Inactive' or 'Terminated' with a termination date, they're automatically sent to off boarding.
  2. You can see employees in the offboarding process.
  3. To review an employee's checklist:
    • Click 'Offboarding Employees.'
    • Choose the employee you want to review.
    • The checklist shows tasks before the last day, on the last day, and after. Completed tasks have checkboxes.
    • You can download or print this checklist.

Completing Exit Interviews: 

  1. To complete an exit interview:
    • Select the terminated employee you want to conduct the exit interview for.
    • Go to the 'Exit Interview' tab.
    • Fill in the necessary info:
      • "Interview Date": Date of the exit interview (usually today's date). 
      • "Interviewer": Person conducting the exit interview. 
      • "Employee Length of Service": Automatically calculated from the start and termination dates. 
      • "Termination Status": Specify if the termination was voluntary or involuntary. 
      • "Reason for Termination": Explain why the employee is leaving. 
      • "Interviewer Comments": Share your thoughts as the interviewer. 
      • "Employee Comments": Include any comments the employee has.
  2. Click "Save" to save your changes.

This process helps you manage employee offboarding, including reviewing their checklist and completing exit interviews with ease. 


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