No Data to Report During Export of Payroll

I want to export my payroll information, but the program says No data to report.



Historical Information in Paymate is tracked by dates. Each actual history record contains two dates – a Period End Date, and a Cheque Date. These dates are what is used to determine what information will be included on reports, or when exporting payroll data.



Under the Preferences tab (when exporting data, or producing a report), you will see an Application of Date Range options, with two different settings – Base inclusion of each timesheet on the Period Ending Date, and Base inclusion of each timesheet on the Cheque Date. These settings control specifically what information will be included, based on the date range specified on the Parameters tab.

Below is a description of both settings.

  • Based on Pay Period End Date – When this setting is chosen, the system will go through the posted history and sort all posted timecards by Period Ending date. It will then extract and include ONLY those timecards that have a Period Ending Date that is on or after the Include date, and on or before the Exclude date.
  • Based on Cheque Date - When this setting is chosen, the system will go through the posted history and sort all posted timecards by Cheque date. It will then extract and include ONLY those timecards that have a Cheque Date that is on or after the ‘Include’ date, and on or before the Exclude date.
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