"No Argument %s" Error while closing year

I am doing my year end and I get an error message "No Argument %s".



There is one or more non-Paymate file(s) in the company’s current data directory (i.e. a Document, a spreadsheet, etc.). When Paymate attempts to close the year and create the New Year data, non-Paymate files are not recognized by the upgrade routine, and halt the process.



  1. From the top menu, go to Utilities > Backup.
  2. Make a backup of the current data, and write down the location and filename of the backup created (you will need this later).
  3. In Acclaim, go to Setup > Preferences.
  4. At the bottom, you will see ‘Working Directory’. Write this down (you will need it later).
  5. Close Acclaim.
  6. Through the Windows Explorer, browse to the working directory location you wrote down in Step #4.
  7. Find the .CPY folder pertaining to your company (e.g. DEMO.CPY). Right-Click on the folder, and choose Rename.
  8. Change the file extension from .CPY to .OLD, and hit Enter.
  9. Start Acclaim.
  10. From the Company Select window, choose Restore.
  11. Browse and select the Backup file you wrote down in Step #2. Click Restore.
  12. Click on Utilities, and select Integrity Check. Click on OK to run the utility.
  13. Go to Yearend, and close your year.
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