There is one or more non-Paymate file(s) in the company’s current data directory (i.e. a Document, a spreadsheet, etc.). When Paymate attempts to close the year and create the New Year data, non-Paymate files are not recognized by the upgrade routine, and halt the process.
- From the top menu, go to Utilities > Backup.
- Make a backup of the current data, and write down the location and filename of the backup created (you will need this later).
- In Acclaim, go to Setup > Preferences.
- At the bottom, you will see ‘Working Directory’. Write this down (you will need it later).
- Close Acclaim.
- Through the Windows Explorer, browse to the working directory location you wrote down in Step #4.
- Find the .CPY folder pertaining to your company (e.g. DEMO.CPY). Right-Click on the folder, and choose Rename.
- Change the file extension from .CPY to .OLD, and hit Enter.
- Start Acclaim.
- From the Company Select window, choose Restore.
- Browse and select the Backup file you wrote down in Step #2. Click Restore.
- Click on Utilities, and select Integrity Check. Click on OK to run the utility.
- Go to Yearend, and close your year.