Locations - How to Create, Edit, and Delete

Locations are useful to organize the company without creating segmentation. Not all companies will require locations. Creating Locations are very similar to Departments

Multi-Tiered and Single-Tiered Structures

Like Departments, determining if you require multi-tiered, single-tiered, or no structure early is a very important step in the setup. This simple configuration setting will help you as you progress in your software setup and day-to-day operations. You can always add new sub-Locations if necessary.

Creating a Location

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Setup > Locations.
  2. Click  to add a Location. This will be a first-tier Location.
  3. Enter the required information. All fields, except Description, are required.
  4. Click the "Save" button to save your changes.

Creating Tiered Locations

You can have tiered Locations, in the same way that you can have tiered Departments. Likewise, you can have an unlimited number of Locations and an unlimited number of sub-tiers or sub-Locations.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Setup > Locations.
  2. Click the plus sign (“+”) next to the Location to add a new sub-tier.
    Note: Depending on which tier you want to add to, click on the “+” on the preceding tier.
  3. Enter the required information. All fields are alphanumeric.
  4. Click the save icon to save the Location. Refer to the example below for more information.

The example below displays nested tiers to three levels:

  • Code 00 (Main) is level 1
  • Code 00-01 (Canada) and 00-02 (US) are level 2 and are nested under Code 00.
  • Code 00-01-01, 00-01-02, etc. are level 3 and are nested under Code 00-01.
  • Code 00-02-01 and 00-02-02 are level 3 and are nested under Code 00-02.

Editing a Location

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Setup > Locations.
  2. Select the location you want to edit. 
  3. Make the changes as necessary. 
  4. Click the "Save" button to save your changes. 

Deleting Locations

To delete a Location that you may no longer use or need, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Setup > Locations.
  2. Select the Location.
  3. Click the  icon. Harmony will prompt you to confirm the deletion. 
  4. Click “OK”. The Location will be removed from Harmony and will no longer be available.

Note: You will not be able to delete a Location if it (a) has existing sub-tiers, and/or (b) is related to any operation, such as being assigned to an employee or a pay run. If (a), you will need to delete your sub-tiers before deleting the Location. 

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