Locating Data

I need to find where my data is stored on the local / network drive.

If you lose track of where you data is located or currently do not know where it is located you can complete the following steps to help you location this information.

You would need this information to copy it to a new computer when transferring your installation to a new computer or moving your data from a local installation to a network installation. 


If Paymate Acclaim is currently working on your computer:

  1. Start Paymate Acclaim.
  2. Close the Company Select screen when it is displayed.
  3. Go to the Setup Menu and Select Preferences.
  4. At the bottom of the Preferences form you will find “Working Directory”.  This is where your data folders are saved. 


If Paymate Acclaim is NOT currently working on your computer (IE: No data is available):

  1. Open Windows explorer and search for .CPY folder and current year folder. Write your location down.
  2. Go to C:\PaymateW on your computer.
  3. Open file called ‘PMW.ini ’
    WorkingDir=XXXX (where XXXX is location which you find in step1)
    XXXX’ it is a location of your data. 

Note: What is the Windows Explorer?

For those that do not know what Windows Explorer is it is your computers file navigation program.  To open locate the “My Computer” or "This PC" Icon on your desktop or from your Start Menu.  If you cannot find the icon Icon then locate any forlder Icon on your desktop or from your Start Menu.  Double click on either of these icons to open it.

Once open you can navigate the folders in your computer.  To Search a directory Press and Hold the “CTRL” key and Press the “F” Key.  Type in .CPY in the folder name search to begin searching your computer.

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