Invalid GL Account Code

I get an invalid GL account code when trying to export.



If you get this error while exporting GL entries to SAP Business One, you will have an account code at the end of the error message. This account code may or may not be responsible for the error.

This error message is generated from SAP Business One DI API and it is not an error of Clarity.


To fix this problem, simply go to your Chart of Accounts and review the accounts that you are exporting to. Make sure that they are not marked as "Inactive" or they are not Title accounts.

Alternatively, take a backup in Clarity, then pick 1 account code that you think is working, and overwrite all your GL accounts in Clarity with this account code and try exporting again. If the export works, that means one of your accounts you are trying to export to has a problem with its setup. You will need to determine which account code has the problem. For further information, please contact your SAP Business One consultant.

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