Information about System Preferences

The system preferences options can help make using Payroll easier.

Description: The following are information about the system preferences options that can help improve working with Payroll.


Login to Harmony then navigate to Payroll > Setup > System Preferences.

There are two types of settings: System and Employee

System Settings

  • Date Format: Choose the format in which you want your date to be shown.
  • Name display format: Select how you want names to display.
  • Default holiday calendar: Select a holiday calendar, which will automatically be selected when a calendar needs to be assigned.

Employee Settings

  • Default country: Select a country, which will automatically be selected when a country needs to be assigned.
  • Default province / state: Select a province / state, which will automatically be selected when a province / state needs to be assigned.

Click the "Save" icon once any changes are made.

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