Information about Reports

Here you will get information about different HR Reporting options you can utilize.

Description: In the Harmony Human Resources module, you have access to dynamic reporting and analytics, allowing you to customize how your reports are displayed and saved. 

To navigate to this section, login to Harmony then navigate to Human Resources > Reports

Available Reports: 

Harmony provides several standard reports that come preloaded with the Human Resources module. Each report serves a specific purpose, and you can customize them as needed. Here's a list of available reports: 

  • Benefit Plans Setup: Provides information about how your benefit plans are set up. 
  • Benefit Vendor Setup: Provides information about how your benefit vendors are set up. 
  • Employee Benefits Headcount: Offers a headcount of the number of employees enrolled in each benefit plan. 
  • Employee Birthdays: Provides information about employees and their birthdays. 
  • Employee Detailed Information: Offers detailed information about all your employees. 
  • Employee Emergency Contacts: Provides information about employees and their emergency contacts. 
  • Employee Seniority: Offers information about employees and their work anniversaries. 
  • Employee Training Headcount: Offers a headcount of the number of employees enrolled or completed a training course. 
  • Goals Setup: Provides information about how your goals are set up. 
  • Performance Appraisal Headcount: Offers a headcount of the number of employees with a performance appraisal record. 
  • Performance Appraisal Setup: Provides information about how your performance appraisals are set up. 
  • System Audit: Offers a full system audit of all changes made in the HR module, including details of what was changed, who changed it, and when it was changed. 
  • Training Course Setup: Provides information about how your training courses are set up. 
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